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DNF Configuration

In the latest release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8, the legacy yum (Yellowdog Updater Modifier) has been replaced by Fedora package manager i.e. dnf (Dandified yum). Although, yum command is still available for backward compatibility, but it is actually an alias that is redirecting to dnf command.

In RHEL 8, there are two package repositories:

BaseOS: BaseOS repository have all underlying OS packages like OS installation packages (Core Packages), administrative tools packages and their dependencies.

Application Stream: AppStream repository has all application related packages, developer tools and databases etc. It provides all the applications you might want to run.

Copy BaseOS and AppStream folders from DVD to a local folder (use can use this with DVD iso file as well)

eg. root/dump/BaseOS and root/dump/AppStream

Copy the media.repo file from DVD to etc/yum.repos.d/

Edit the media.repo file as follows:



The name of the repo file can be changed to anything like xyz.repo, centos.repo, etc. Also, remember that baseurl is the location of the folder containing respective packages. Each repo folder (BaseOS and AppStream) has two sub-folders, Packages and repodata.

Run following command to clear dnf:

#dnf clean all

Build cache for local repository:

#dnf makecache

List the repositories:

#dnf repolist

Install packages:

#dnf install gcc*

This configuration was tested in CentOS 8.

Webmail Configuration — Part 2

#  yum  install  mysql-server*  httpd*  roundcubemail*                         [EPEL Repo]


Configure Mysql database


#  service  mysqld  start

#  mysqladmin  –u  root  password  [give password]

#  mysql  –u  root  -p

mysql>  create  database  rcmail  character  set  utf8  collate  utf8_bin;

mysql>  grant  all  privileges  on  rcmail.*  to  rcadmin@localhost  identified  by  ‘[db_password]’;

mysql>  flush  privileges;

mysql>  exit

#  cd  /usr/share/doc/roundcubemail-*/SQL/

#  mysql  -u  rcadmin  -p  rcmail  <  mysql.initial.sql 


Roundcube Configuration


#  vim  /etc/roundcubemail/

Edit line 21:

$rcmail_config[‘db_dsnw’] = ‘mysql://rcadmin:123456789@localhost/rcmail’;

123456789 is the db_password given above.

Save and quit.

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Configure Postfix SMTP service


#  yum  install  postfix*

#  vim  /etc/postfix/

Line 75 & 83 (enable and edit):

myhostname  =

mydomain  =  com

Line 99 (enable):

myorigin  =  $mydomain

Line 116 & 119 (enable and edit):

inet_interfaces  =  all

inet_protocols  =  ipv4

Line 165 (enable):

mydestination  =  $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

Line 264 (enable and edit):

mynetworks  =,

Line 419 (enable):

home_mailbox  =  Maildir/

Line 545 & 546 (enable and edit):

header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks

body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/body_checks

Line 571 (enable):

smtpd_banner  =  $myhostname  ESMTP

Add following 7 lines at the end of file (SMTP-auth settings):

smtpd_sasl_type  =  dovecot

smtpd_sasl_path  =  private/auth

smtpd_sasl_auth_enable  =  yes

smtpd_sasl_security_options  =  noanonymous

smtpd_sasl_local_domain  =  $myhostname

smtpd_client_restrictions  =  permit_mynetworks,reject_unknown_client,permit

smtpd_recipient_restrictions  =  permit_mynetworks,permit_auth_destination,permit_sasl_authenticated,reject

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WordPress Configuration

yum  install  php   mysql-server   httpd                (CentOS repo)

yum  install  wordpress                              (EPEL repo)

Configure mysql database:

#  service  mysqld  start

#  mysqladmin  –u  root  password  [give password]

#  mysql  –u  root  -p

mysql>  create  database  wordpress  character  set  utf8  collate  utf8_bin;

mysql>  grant  all  privileges  on  wordpress.*  to  wordpress@localhost  identified  by  ‘[db_password]’;

mysql>  flush  privileges;

mysql>  exit

Configure WordPress:

#  vim  /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php

//specify database name

define(‘DB_NAME’,  ‘wordpress’);

//specify DB user

define(‘DB_USER’,  ‘wordpress’);

//specify DB password

define(‘DB_PASSWORD’,  ‘db_password’);

//specify hostname

define(‘DB_HOST’,  ‘localhost’);

Save and exit.

#  service httpd start

Open firefox and access http://hostname/wordpress/ and configure the “admin” settings.

Like http://localhost/wordpress/
